Pertamina International EP (PIEP) Held Mass Circumcision.

Pertamina International EP (PIEP) together with Takmir Masjdi Mu'adz bin Jabal organized a CSR activities for the resident around Bojongkulur, Gunung Putri Bogor with a theme of mass circumcision participated by 58 children in the Mosque area on Saturday (04/June/2016). The mass circumcision is one of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities of PIEP.

Director of Exploration and Production Djoko N Imanhardjo, during his welcoming speech said “This activity is a work program of Pertamina International EP which was held regularly every year and is obligatory for the company as one of the social responsibility towards stakeholders. There are several CSR programs this year and one of which is this mass circumcision."

The mass circumcision is participated by 58 signed participants, and actually there are lots of people who are interested to participate. However, because of the school schedule that are not yet on vacation, they are discouraged. The participant was not only the residents of Bojongkulur but also from Bekasi, South Jakarta and even Tangerang.

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