Jakarta - PT Pertamina Internasional Eksplorasi dan Produksi (PIEP) successfully concluded the K3 Month Series Event for the year 2024. The K3 month event began in January, precisely on January 25, 2024, where PIEP kicked off the series with a sharing session on the theme "Introduction of CSS-CCUS and Managing Process Safety of CO2 Operation," presented by Dedi Murdiadi, Senior Consultant & Business Development Manager at DNV.

The event was attended by 300 participants to gain insights into greenhouse gases, climate impact, CSS/CCUS technology, and process safety aspects in managing CO2. Prioritizing health, safety, environmental protection, and security aspects in managing international business, PIEP organized a workshop and competition on January 17, 2024, with the theme of Basic Life Support (BLS). PIEP believes that BLS competence must be continuously honed through training and refreshment within the office environment. The BLS competition was also held to comply with company regulations based on Minister of Manpower Regulation No. PER.15/MEN/VIII/2008.

Continuing its proactive activities towards health and safety, PIEP organized the Health Challenger & Health Talk event on February 7, 2024, with the theme "Enhancing Your Well-Being Through Contemporary Nutrition: Achieving a Balanced Diet and Enjoyable Eating." Focusing on contemporary nutrition and achieving a balanced diet, the event received tremendous enthusiasm from PIEP employees and partners. The success of this program reflects the positive change energy brought by PIEP workers in committing to their well-being.

Considering PIEP's commitment to excellence, a webinar was held on February 15, 2024, with the theme "Demystifying Human Performance." This topic was chosen to provide basic knowledge to participants at PIEP and SHU and to equip PIEP officers for the Phase V MLN drilling project scheduled to begin in 2024. The material was presented by Juan Carlos Lopez to prepare PIEP officers for drilling, complemented by a presentation from the CEO of Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia (PDSI), Avep Disasmita, regarding the culture and programs at PDSI in terms of human interaction. The event was successful with a total of 875 participants from all SHU entities.

Concluding the positive series of the K3 month and continuing with an engaging topic related to Human Performance, in March 2024, PIEP held a knowledge-sharing session on Human-Centric Safety. This session was attended by Prof. Yassierli, a Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering - Bandung Institute of Technology, who is an expert in ergonomics and human performance. The activity aimed to deepen and provide another perspective on Human-Centric Safety. The event was conducted for internal PIEP staff and was done in a hybrid manner with around 35 participants.

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